The Confederación Nacional de Pediatría de México (CONAPEME) is the oldest and largest pediatric organization in México and Latin America, going bact to _1950 , as Asociación Nacional de Pediatría de México. We are conformed by a board of directors, 5 Federations, 32 State Colleges and 121 Chapters. 21 Subspecialty Pediatric Associations are also prt of us, such as the Association of Infectious Diseases, Vaccinology, Neurology Allegy, Neumology, Adolescent Care, Neurodevelopment, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Neonatology, among others.
Our mission: Promote and preserve the union, share experiences and information as well as promote academic excellence of members to achieve optimal health conditions in the pediatric population and its environment. All this following our lines of action: Union, Respect, Tolerance, Communication and Continuous professional development.
Our priority programs are: Essential care of the newborn , Neonatal resuscitation, Obesity and Nutrition, Breastfeeding, Child care, Vaccine promotion , Reading promotion in children (Dr lector: “doctor who reads and promotes is from Conapeme”) , Early neurodevelopmental assessment, Community education workshops, and Training workshops for pediatricians.
We have a National Congress every year, where around 6 or 7 thousand pediatricians get together, and approximately 200 abstracts are received. In addition, our Federation and State colleges host their own regional and local conferences.
Within the Community Care Programs we have: Workshops for parents and teachers Workshops for empirical midwives, Free consultations, low cost or free surgical programs Donations to specific institutions and others.