Abstracts must be submitted online via the website only. ABSTRACTS SUBMITTED BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
PRESENTATION TYPE: Abstracts may be submitted for oral or digital poster presentation
- ORAL Presentation: The best works will be selected for oral presentation, allocating time for questions and answers, and adjusting to the assigned time.
- DIGITAL POSTER Presentation: Accepted works will be placed on screens. There are two categories of posters.
- Clinical case presentation
- Presentation of basic or clinical research
The topic must be related to health or illness in ages from neonates to adolescence. Unpublished works will be accepted.
- The same person may submit up to 3 abstracts regardless of the presenting author.
- Presenting authors must be registered participants.
- Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the official Congress publications.
- The presenting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission, before submitting the abstract.
- Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts in English. Abstracts may be submitted in Spanish for consideration in limited sessions highlighting Latin American child and adolescent health research.
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Presenting author’s contact details:
- Full first and family name(s)
- Email address
- Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country
- Phone number
- Author and co-authors’ details
- Preferred Presentation type: Oral or / E-Poster
- Abstract title – must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 18 words.
- Abstract text – limited to 250 words.
- Content: introduction, objective, material and methods (Design, population, sample calculation, informed consent and committee review), results and conclusions.
- Please be aware that the abstract doesn’t contain patient-identifiable information, we do not need to see a patient/parent consent form.
It is important to remember that identifiable does not just refer to a patient’s name but could also be related to a specific condition, region or hospital.
- the abstract cannot have been published anywhere else.
- You will receive an abstract ID number via email after you have submitted your abstract. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
- Please contact us if you have not received confirmation that your abstract has been submitted.
- Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
- instructions for preparing the posters will be sent to each author.
- To submit your abstract, click here https://ipacongress.org/abstract/
- Submission must be made no later than 15th February 2025.
- The acceptance or rejection of your work will be reported starting 1st March 2025.
Within the abstract submission system, you will need to choose one of the below topics for your abstract.
Main Topics:
- Global Health or School Health and Primary childcare
- Infectious Disease & Emerging disease
- Vaccinology
- Neonatology & Quality improvement
- Critical Care /Intensive Care or Emergency Medicine
- Pulmonology, Allergy & Immunology
- Neurology
- Nephrology
- Endocrinology & Rheumatology
- Cardiology
- Hematology- Oncology, Palliative care & pain
- Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) & Mental health
- Developmental Pediatrics or Early Childhood Development
- Nutrition or Breastfeeding or Obesity
- Environment
- Adolescents and Young Adults
- Medical Education, Simulation Training & Research work
- Social Pediatrics, Child Abuse & Bioethics
- Pediatric Surgery & Transplant
- Pediatric Gastroenterology & Imaging
- Genetics & Inborn Errors of Metabolism
- Miscellaneous
- Latin American Health Issues (submissions for this category may be in Spanish or English).